Giving Back


The dk Give Back Promise

One of the things I love about travel is its capacity to cultivate compassion. Travel has expanded my heart and opened my eyes in ways I never thought possible—and I know it does the same for my clients. To honor travel’s ability to spark empathy and change, five percent of consulting fees and other compensation will be donated to the following charities:

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World Wildlife Fund

I'm especially excited to support one of the world’s leading conservation organizations—the World Wildlife Fund. Two of my favorite adventures were a safari to Tanzania and an expedition cruise to the Galapagos Islands, both allowing me to see, up close, the amazing animals that the World Wildlife Fund helps protect.

Save the Children

Traveling beyond the “typical” tourist destinations in places such as India and Peru, I’ve seen first-hand how poverty has ravaged many communities. Therefore, I am proud to support Save the Children, an organization dedicated to giving children around the world essential support for hunger alleviation, education, disaster response, and other initiatives.
